It wasn't what we thought
It turned out that the ringworm my daughter contracted from school wasn't ringworm and wasn't even something that was contagious!
I was treating her spots with tea tree oil, which is an excellent antifungal substance, and an antifungal ointment but spots kept popping up on her hairline, her chest and her back. I finally took her to the doctor, who was immediately doubted that it was ringworm. A sampling of the skin was taken for testing and I was told to keep doing what I had been doing for her.
The call from the doctor came the next day or so with the diagnosis of pityriasis, supposedly a harmless skin condition that isn't contagious. I could quit the antifungal ointment since it wasn't a fungus but I continued with the tea tree oil since it fights all kinds of bad stuff. The spots would stop popping out in a few weeks.
The new outbreaks did subside after a while, and so did my scalp itch. The strangest things happen sometimes!
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15 years ago
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